Basic Sign Design

The effectiveness of every sign is defined by several factors…

1. Readability: The size of the sign should consider the distance to the intended audience and how fast they are moving. The goal is to communicate to them quickly and allow them enough time to make a decision to visit your business.

2. Key Words: A brief 2 - 3 word message communicates much more effectively than attempting to put a ‘laundry list’ of services and products on your sign.

3. Graphics / Symbols: Symbols, graphics, or logos that clearly communicate your business to potential clients often convey more than the words themselves.

4. Color: When additional colors are present on a sign it has been shown to increase retention by 78%. Add a second color to get your message across and consider full color for maximum impact.

5. Materials: What you choose to have your sign made from also speaks to your customers. Cheap materials and a stark layout communicates discount prices and no frills. Expensive materials and elegant accents suggest luxury goods and exceptional service.